Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Twin Paradox

If Ram is in a perfectly non-accelerating frame of reference, or as it is called an inertial frame of reference, it would appear to him that he is stationary in his spaceship while Rahim and Earth are traveling in the opposite direction with the same speed. In that case will Rahim’s time dilate and his ageing be reduced by the same factor? Whose time is dilated…Ram's or Rahim's?

Twin Paradox: “Two twins, Ram and Rahim but not anymore, time has dilated but for which one?”


Rajan Punchouty said...

When ram(or rahim) went away and came back to check his age, there is a velocity changed in between. In other words at least once there was change in direction of velocity at some point of time that made him come back and hence not a "perfectly non accelerating " reference frame and hence explained the paradox....

Whats up sanjay saheb? where are you?

Sanjay Rajoura said...

Kya Rajan bhai..paradox to khatam hi kar diya. Ofcourse when Ram turns back,he is no more in an inertial frame of reference. I am in San Francisco..what's up with you sir?